published in The Atlantic
In this piece of opinion, Flanagan looks at the Univerity of California's decision to remove standardized testing as an entry mechanism to its schools. She concludes that this decision is ultimately harmful to poor and working class families, who often make it into the system because of their standardized test scores rather than college-prep classes that don't exist in their schools.
1303 days ago
published in The Atlantic
There are over 1,600 independent schools across the United States. Although they are not uniquely American, they are often representative of our freedom of religion, individualism, and liberty. But in this piece of reporting, Flanagan shows how they are evolving into a mechanism for the wealthy elite to ensure their kids have direct access to the nation's best colleges. America proclaims itself to be a meritocracy, where grit and effort will secure success, but the existence of private schools alludes to a much grimmer reality.
1396 days ago