published in The New Yorker
Kolbert reviews the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's most recent report, which states that the world has warmed "nearly two degrees Fahrenheit" owing to humans and could raise nearly "or 6.5 degrees around 2090."
1276 days ago
published in The New Yorker
Kolbert reviews two new books, "Below the Edge of Darkness" (Random House) by Edith Widder and "The Brilliant Abyss" (Grove Atlantic) by Helen Scales. Kolbert focuses polymetallic nodules in the deep sea that can be mined for valuable metals and how that might affect the local environment, namely bioluminescent animals that thrive in these areas.
1320 days ago
published in The New Yorker
Kolbert reviews two books: "Mine! How the Hidden Rules of Ownership Control Our Lives" by Michael Heller and James Salzman, and "Owned: Property, Privacy, and the New Digital Serfdom" by Joshua A.T. Fairfield. In the review, she analyzes how property rights can vary significantly based on the property in question, especially when it's related to emerging technologies.
1415 days ago