published in The Atlantic
George Packer writes that over the past four decades, "four narratives have taken turns exercising influence": "Free America" (conservatives), "Smart America" (metropolitan capitalists), "Real America" (rural populists), and "Just America" (social democrats). He believes that the country is divided down the middle with "Smart and Just on one side, Free and Real on the other."
1312 days ago
published in The Atlantic
If the demand for change stemming from the COVID-19 crisis and the Black Lives Matter movement are symbolic of a shift in the voting majority, then Joe Biden may win the November elections. If that's the case, Packer argues that he may be the person who can lead America into another Progressive age. He cites the three eras of reform in the 20th century (the reaction to industrialization, the New Deal, and the Civil Rights movement) and argues that now could become another great era.
1599 days ago