published in The New Yorker
Although certainly not as commanding as an automobile, the electric scooter has become a ubiquitous form of transportation in cities across the globe. But cities have reacted differently to their emergence: some restricted them from the onset and gradually opened up while others opened their arms wide and imposed stricter regulations over time. Seabrook looks at how scooters have changed transit in New York City, especially during the pandemic, and offers some insight into what the future may bring.
1347 days ago
published in The New Yorker
For anybody who worked in an office before the onset of the pandemic, especially tech-oriented companies, there was an emphasis on open space. This was meant to spark collaboration, but it soon turned into a way to reduce real estate costs for businesses. Many companies were in the process of turning away from it. In this article, Seabrook explores the possibilities for going back to work after the pandemic: what will the future of the office look like?
1445 days ago