• jon

    Posted 1336 days ago

  • I found it very hard to get a single theme out of Aschoff's piece. It kind of felt like she was throwing a bunch of darts against the wall hoping that one of the critiques would stick. But these days, I'm not into throwing up my hands and pointing the bad things out in the world. Biden is making an effort to pull the Left into governing (compared to Clinton or Obama). We shouldn't squander that.

    What should his doctrine be should be the name of the piece. Aschoff is certainly correct in saying that Biden "won't provide a meaningful challenge to global capitalism or the military apparatus that sustains it," but I wish there would be a hint at what Biden should do. What should be his relationship with China? With Russia? How should he reshape American manufacturing and the supply chain?

    These pieces that simply criticize for criticism's sake bother me. I don't see it as a productive use of time, neither for the writer or the reader. There should be suggestions on what he, and we, should do differently to ensure a better government.
