• jon

    Posted 1329 days ago

  • This is very concerning for refugees, especially considering how climate change could displace more and more people in the coming years. And even if it doesn't, there are plenty of wars that are due to British colonialization and the faulty national borders that it drew up in regions it knew nothing about.

    But on another level, it made me think that beaurocracy allows people, and politicians, to point their fingers at some foreign or elite cabal that mismanages things. But as nationalism grows in Europe and across the world, I think people will begin to see that a large part of beaurocracy is people dedicating their lives to process and government, and without it a lot of systems will fall apart. Without the will or resources, replacements will not be made. Countries should realize this is ulitmately their fault, but I think the finger pointing will just be directed to somebody else (immigrants, London, etc.) before considering that problems are often our own faults.
