• jon

    Posted 1187 days ago

  • Playing the game of interfering with the sovereignty of other countries, even if it is for the political ideal of democracy, is dangerous. Foreigners simply will never understand the society which they are wishing to change, and it's a good thing that Hayton acknowledges this:

    Looking back from mid-2021, I fear that we made Myanmar’s problems worse. We exacerbated the divides in its society without creating a path towards their resolution. We raised the expectations of power but without providing any means to take it. Power is a dirty game and we played clean.

    I'm not saying he was either wrong nor right, just that this reflection, where Western nations wanted to spread democracy across the world for the past half century, is coming to an end. People, eve those with the best intentions, are realizing that maybe they didn't know what was best for another country.
