• jon

    Posted 1376 days ago

  • I'd say that the most impactful piece of this article was explaining the backstory of how the Moderna vaccine was created. Between a deceitful Presidential Adminstration and the fact that the Pfizer CEO sold $5.6 million worth of stock the day they announced the vaccine, it was hard to put faith in it. But understading how Barney S. Graham has been working for years on mRNA type vaccines and has a long relationship with using Moderna's labs, gives a ton of confidence in the process. It's very hard for normal Americans to just put faith in these things without understanding the backstory and the people behind it. Wright has done an excellent job connecting the dots here.

    It was public knowledge that the Presidential Adminstration was causing more harm than good, but Wright's reporting here shows a dark side to the elected officials. Their negligence has led to tens or hundreds of thousands of American lives that could have been saved with a strong and effective plan. We knew that the Adminstration favored cronyism, but it wasn't until the pandemic showed how terrible a form of leadership and governance that can be.
