• jon

    Posted 1110 days ago

  • Atwood is a legend, and this brief story of her life, specifically how she learned to drive, just cements her allure as a magnificent writer even more. From the comical "Frank the Pirate," whose car "later exploded," to "Finn the Dog," it's impossible not to be amazed at Atwood's writing. It's always clever, insightful, and reels you in.

    This style of publication is amazing! I also loved Sterling HolyWhiteMountain's personal story, "The Buffalo Robe and the Radio,", which was pretty much the same short format written in excellent prose.

    The ending to Atwood's story is great, where "and someone pinched my driver’s license from a changing room...and I never replaced it." Only genius minds work like this, and having a little insight into Atwood's is a pleasure.
