published in The New Yorker
Atwood writes a brief story of how she learned to drive, first failing with her father, failing again with "a used-car dealer known as Frank the Pirate," and finally succeeding only when her life partner, Graeme Gibson, was forced to drive himself to the hospital after a near-fatal incident with "Fin the Dog."
1288 days ago
published in The New Yorker
Lizzie and Nell live in a run down house, without electricity, on the waterfront that has been passed down through their family. It appears to be a semi-apocalyptic future, where they have to "discourage invaders" and have to make sure mice don't overrun their home. The curious thing is that there seem to be others across the river that live with electricity and running water, yet Nell's and Lizzie's phones still work.
1343 days ago